This week is a very busy one full of extracurriculars. Last night a bunch of our girlfriends got together and went to Pinot's Palette here in Houston. You pick a night you want to go based on the painting you want to paint and then you bring your own wine and snacks. They give you a blank canvas and help you through creating your own masterpiece. I thought it was so fun how we were all painting the same thing but everyone's turned out different. Here are some pictures from the night.
Elsbeth & Laurel's Works in Progress
Our setup
Finishing Touches
The Finished Products Aly's and mine look the most similar and we weren't even sitting next to each other, it must be a sister thing ;)
Tonight: Book Club for "The Girl Who Played with Fire"
Thursday: Tim's groomsmen/college roommates/childhood friends Rob and Ryan come to visit for the weekend, always lots of laughs with this group of boys.
Until next time..........Kim
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