So for all my updates........
The biggest thing is that Tim and I celebrated our one-year anniversary on May 23rd. We were lucky enough to have two back to back trips to celebrate this occasion. We already had plans to go to Lake Tahoe for Memorial Day weekend but at the last minute Tim had to attend a conference in New Orleans the actual weekend of our anniversary and he asked me to tag along. It worked out perfectly, I took two days off work and was able to fly standby on buddy passes so it was essentially a free trip for us. I had one day to entertain myself while he attended the conference and then I got to tag along for almost everything else. The day I had on my own was great, I slept in and then wandered the streets of New Oreleans shopping and eating. When my feet got sore I stopped in for the most amazing pedicure ever and then went back to the hotel and got ready for dinner with Tim. The rest of the trip Tim and I explored New Orleans and got to eat our share of charbroiled oysters (YUMMY). I even got to see Tim present at the conference and now I have a much better idea of what he's talking about when he tells me about work :). All in all it was a great last minute trip and a perfect way to spend our anniversary weekend. (Sorry no pictures, I lost the camera a few days before we left)
I'll save pictures of the Tahoe trip for my next update but in the meantime I wanted to flash back to the most wonderful day of our lives and thank everyone that made it so special. We love you all and our lives wouldn't be the same without you.

Congratulations on your anniversary & fun trip. I'm in Arizona visiting and can't help but think of our fun times together here as teenagers. You are awesome, Kim.