2009 was an eventful and very exciting year for us.....
We got married,

Went to New Zealand and the Cook Islands for our honeymoon (I'll share the exciting details in a future post)

and just recently grew our family when we got a new Welsh Corgi puppy and named him Taupo after Lake Taupo, New Zealand.
Plus, we were able to go home many times to celebrate with all of our friends who got married this year so we were lucky enough to spend a lot of time with our family and friends in 2009.
I am starting this blog to share all the new adventures of 2010 with everyone we know who lives far away. As someone who loves to read blogs I hope to make this one fun to read and very entertaining, although I may have to steal some old material from 2009 to keep it lively!!
Happy New Year everyone!!
whoo hoo. Excited to keep up with you electronically. keep posting