This past weekend our brother-in-law, William came to visit. He lives on a US Air Force base in Misawa, Japan with his wife Katie (Tim's sister) but was out in Texas for a training course so he came to Houston to visit us. Unfortunatly I had to work most of the weekend because of the marathon but we had fun hanging out, playing games, and watching Laurel run the half marathon. THe rest of the group got to enjoy themselves at the Saint Arnold's brewery while I was working on Saturday! On Sunday we walked to the marathon course from our house to cheer on Laurel and decided to bring Taupo with us. By the end of the day we ended up walking all the way downtown (~4 miles) to meet Laurel at the finish. She did awesome at the race and was nice enough to drive us all home afterwards. Poor little Taupo passed out for a few hours after the longest journey of his life.
Taupo was whining and Tim thought he might be cold so he wrapped him up in his jacket. (Please ignore the red neck hat he is wearing, he is having laser eye surgery next week and can't wear contacts so he claims he needed this hat to keep the sun out of his eyes)

The boys waiting to cheer on Laurel!!

Laurel at Discovery Green Park after the race, I'm pretty sure I didn't look that cute after my race but luckily there are no pictures to reference :)

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the week, I'm looking forward to finally catching up on some sleep this weekend!!
More pics of Taupo!! :)