Sunday, January 31, 2010

Puppy School Report #1

Puppy School Report:

Well our first day of puppy school was a success. We had some clicker training and we learned how to make eye contact on comand. We did pretty good with socialization but we liked to lay down and observe the other puppies before jumping right in and playing. Sometimes if we thought the other dogs were being too rough or not giving us enough attention we would bark. So as usual we got the award for most vocal animal and first one to bark in class. Other than that we did well, not the best but not the worst. Sounds like most of the other mommys and daddys have the same frustrations we do and surprisingly some puppies are even more stubborn.

Since puppy school we have already gotten better at coming when called in the back yard. Tim didn't join us at puppy school because of his laser eye surgery but we are training him how to ignore Taupo when he bites; say owe and walk away. He rarely bites me anymore but he still thinks Tim's hands and feet are toys so we are working on that. Here are some recent pictures of the little guy.

This is how Taupo tells us that he wants water. We used to keep his bowls full but after dumping it a few times now we only fill it a little at a time. Nine times out of ten he drinks the little bit of water and walks away but the other 1/10th of the time when he is finished and there is water left he picks it up and dumps it. Hence we don't leave bowls full anymore. Now when he is thirsty he picks up his bowl and brings it to us. I guess we should get heavier bowls but we find this very entertaining :)

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